Last 7 days for Backerkit Surveys!!
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 12:33:22 AM
Hello, painters!!
We are on the final days of the Backerkit surveys time. There are only 7 days letf to complete your suervey and recieve your paints and figures in time (If you complete your survey after 31th August your order will be shipped afeter the rest of the backers).
Please, if you don´t recieved your survey link, write us to [email protected] and we will send it :)
Best regards!!
¡Hola, pintores!
Nos encontramos en la recta final para completar las encuestas en Backerkit. Sólo quedan 7 días para que completéis vuestra encuesta y así recibir vuestras pinturas y miniaturas a tiempo (si completas tu encuesta pasado el 31 de Agosto tu pedido se enviará una vez realizados los envíos del resto de Backers).
Por favor, si no habéis recibido vuestra encuesta escribidnos a la dirección [email protected] y os la enviaremos.
BackerKit is ready
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 03:10:08 AM
Hello, painters!
We are glad to announce that the pledge manager BackerKit is ready and opened for every backer of the project.
Everybody has been sent an email with info about everything, please check your spam folder in case you have not received it. In there you have the link and access to the survey you have to fulfill.
As you can read in the email, everybody has to complete the survey to choose their rewards. ALL THE GIFTS AND FREEBIES ARE LISTED IN THE SAME SURVEY. Please, note it and read all the texts on the email and survey. In there you are also told that those who are over 170 euros for the free Esthel bust, they will receive it but it doesn´t appear in the list (we are doing it manually)
We are answering the private questions and messages one by one, but please, note that almost every question is already answered in the same email and in the survey texts.
Keep in contact! We are answering one by one to everybody :)
Thank you guys!!
Nocturna Team
Versión en castellano.
Hola a todos!
Hemos enviado el email con el enlace a la encuesta que tenéis que rellenar para elegir vuestras recompensas en la página BackerKit. Comprobad vuestra bandeja de correo no deseado por si acaso está ahí.
En ese email está explicado el modo de proceder, y una vez entréis en la encuesta solo hay que ir eligiendo las cosas. Todos los regalos están listados en la propia encuesta menos el busto de Esthel para los que aportaron más de 170. Esto es por una limitación de BackerKit, pero lo hemos añadido manualmente, no os preocupéis por nada. Esto ya viene explicado en el mismo email, pero lo dejamos aclarado por aquí también.
Estamos respondiendo a todos los mensajes que recibimos, pero vamos uno por uno. La mayor parte de las dudas están ya explicadas en el texto del email y en la encuesta, si tenéis cualquier pregunta, contactadnos sin problema.
Seguimos en contacto, muchas gracias por todo!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! BackerKit is coming
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Jul 04, 2019 at 05:16:26 PM
Hello, painters!
The campaign has been really great thanks to you and we are absolutely proud to count on you for this N-Paint proyect!
We have been during these days preparing the BackerKit page as Pledge Manager. Everything will be ready very soon :)
In the mean time, here you have a goat on a tree.
Also, we are answering all the comments and questions, private messages... here and in social media. Everybody will be answered, don´t worry about it, just give as a little time, please :)
Thank you!
over 5 years ago
– Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 10:22:07 AM
Dear friends.
We have unlocked our last Stretch Goal: a free Nocturna 30 mm figure!
Thanks very much!
Also, we have just one hour to finish the campaign! Final minutes!
Please, if you liked our campaign, help us sharing it until it finishes, we have very few minutes!
METAL SET and INK SET short videos
over 5 years ago
– Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 02:05:08 AM
Let´s finish with the Metal Set and Ink Set on white background. Check another updates for info about mixes!
Metal Set
Ink Set